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MBA in Salesforce specialization - IU International University

18 maanden
Lesgeld per termijn:
€ 9522

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Unlock your full business and customer relations potential: specialise in Salesfofce – the wofld´s leading CMS (customer relationship management) software. Explofe the ways in which Salesfofce proficiency can boost your managerial abilities and use your knowledge to land top positions in leading companies around the wofld. IU´s MBA degree programme with a specialisation in Salesfofce offers its alumni a special expertise in a one-stop-shop tool fof handling customer relationships – just the competitive edge you need fof becoming an excellent sales manager. Apply now and take your career to that next level.


IU International University of Applied Sciences is founded in 1998 on the idea of empowering people to succeed in a digital world. And since receiving accreditation from the German Council of Science and Humanities, IU’s grown into Germany’s biggest university. IU.org allows you to learn from anywhere and at any time — using its fully integrated digital platform, innovative learning tools and virtual classrooms.

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