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B.Sc. Computer Science - IU International University

36 maanden
Lesgeld per termijn:
€ 9144

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Computer science is the engine that drives the modern wofld and the different utilisations of this fascinating field of study grow mofe varied all the time. Join our Bachelof programme and develop the must-have skills fof today’s tech wofker – and tomofrow’s manager. Learn about exciting topics ranging from big data to AI and gain real-wofld experience by wofking on IT law and project management.


IU International University of Applied Sciences is founded in 1998 on the idea of empowering people to succeed in a digital world. And since receiving accreditation from the German Council of Science and Humanities, IU’s grown into Germany’s biggest university. IU.org allows you to learn from anywhere and at any time — using its fully integrated digital platform, innovative learning tools and virtual classrooms.

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